Wheelchair Accessible Minibus in Wigan
At Pink Passenger we provide a unique wheelchair minibus hire service in Wigan, solving the transport/mobility issues faced by the wheelchair and scooter user. Our objective is quite simple: to provide the facility to go wherever you please regardless of personal mobility. Our motto “Travel, with care” is based on the passenger assistants we provide.
In situations where passengers may be considered frail or vulnerable we provide a passenger assistant in addition to the driver. We recognise that the assistant, as well as the driver, share a “duty of care” to their passengers and that to enable assistants to work effectively, and exercise that “duty of care”, they require quality training.
Our assistants undergo PATS (Passenger Assistant Training Scheme) training, which includes the following modules:
The role of the escort: this is a starting point and covers the role and responsibilities of the escort, including legal, practical and safety issues.
Assisting passengers with disabilities: which includes general disability awareness and passenger assistance techniques.
Assisting wheelchair users who travel in their wheelchairs: This includes loading and unloading, using lifts, ramps, restraints and assisting wheelchair users to travel in their wheelchairs.
Supervising children and young people with special needs: Which includes supervising children and young people with autism, learning difficulties, physical disabilities, sensory restrictions and emotional or behavioural difficulties.
Working with adults who require care and supervision: This includes adult passengers with dementia, learning difficulties, sensory restrictions, physical disabilities and people in mental or emotional distress.